(i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
(ii) what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information
(iii) awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
In critical thinking, we divides epistemology into three branches,
(i) priori knowledge & posteriori knowledge
(ii) accessibility of knowledge
(iii) thinking process
accessibility of knowledge can be further divided into three categories..
E x p L i C i t knowledge
~ usually found in documents or computers
~ usually readily accessible
~ documented within formal knowledge sources that are well organised
from this example, we are able to read the map.. and with the map provided, we are able to reach Fujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. located in Kuala Lumpur even if we are first visit Kuala Lumpur.
I m P L i c i T knowledge
~ usually stored within the mind or within organisational culture
~ accessible through querying and discussion
~ informal knowledge must first located and communicated
if we are asked to show the way to Fujitsu Head Office, if we are aware of the way to the destination, then we are able to show the direction to others or we are able to illustrate the correct direction to others by drawing out a map.
T a C i T knowledge
~ usually stored within the mind or organisational culture
~ accessible only indirectly and usually with difficulty
~ knowledge elicitation techniques or behavioural observation usually required
if we are stuck in a crowd. and we are forced to describe our relative where he/ she was lost in contact, without the person's picture, we are unable to describe well the person's appearance, unless the person have a very special features. in this case, we are only able to recognize that person, but hard to articulate the person's appearance into words. this is what tacit knowledge all about.
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