Monday, September 1, 2008

My r O o m M s t 3 s...

today, one of my room mate(qing), took one of her bag out and the other room mate(Yy) said that there is someone saw Qing and said that she looks cool.. i asked her what do they mean by the word "cool".. and Yy said cool means cool!!..

in this conversation, Yy has used the vague word when she said that her friend said Qing is cool.. in what sense does she looks cool and what characteristics can one person can be described as cool? i don get the clear picture from that statement. the word COOL doesn't have a clear meaning in it..

another fallacy that was used by Yy is Pettitio principii. when i asked her what do they mean by the word "cool", she said cool means cool.. in this case, she doesn't give any reason on why they describe a person as cool.. it is clear that she has used pettitio principii in our conversation.

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